Preventing insect decline means taking immediate action | ECOLOGIE - ENVIRONNEMENT |
In an unprecedented advice and associated recommendations, the French academy of sciences published an alert about the loss of insect biodiversity. The decline, described and analysed in ever greater detail in research papers, is a serious threat to human society. In response to this emergency, the scientific world as a whole is now united in calling for action.
Philippe Grandcolas:1 This is the first time that the academy of sciences has spoken out about the biodiversity crisis and acknowledged its seriousness. So this is indeed a watershed moment. Until now, the alarm had been sounded mainly by bodies directly connected to the scientific disciplines concerned, namely ecology and environmental sciences. Despite all our expertise, paradoxically, we happened to be suspected of exaggerating the importance of our field of research. Now though, this official advice shows that, based on the available data, the entire scientific community – ranging from the environmental sciences to the various branches of biology – agrees that the decline of insects is a reality.