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Entre Cerbère et Banyuls-sur-Mer, la protection de la biodiversité marine porte ses fruits

Entre Cerbère et Banyuls-sur-Mer, la protection de la biodiversité marine porte ses fruits | Biodiversité |
L’un des principaux outils de protection de la biodiversité, ce sont les aires marines protégées. La réserve marine de Cerbère-Banyuls, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, est l'une des plus exemplaires.
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Avec Joachim Claudet Directeur de recherche CNRS au Centre de recherches insulaires et observatoire de l’environnement (CRIOBE)
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Aires marines protégées: nouvel échec de la commission internationale sur l'Antarctique - Sciences & Avenir - AFP

Aires marines protégées: nouvel échec de la commission internationale sur l'Antarctique - Sciences & Avenir - AFP | Biodiversité |

La Commission pour la conservation de la faune et la flore marines de l'Antarctique, qui regroupe 26 pays et l'UE, a échoué à trouver un accord pour instaurer de nouvelles aires marines protégées, malgré la fonte accélérée des glaces autour du pôle Sud, ont annoncé vendredi des ONG de défense de l'environnement.

Via Hubert MESSMER
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Site de la Convention sur la conservation de la faune et la flore marines de l'Antarctique 

Dans l'actualité également via @AntarcticTreaty le 26/10/2023: The Subsidiary Group on Management Plans (SGMP) of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) is reviewing two management plans for designating new protected areas in Antarctica: Danger Islands Archipelago and Farrier Col on Horseshoe Island.

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Costs and benefits of spatial protection measures as tools for fisheries management

Costs and benefits of spatial protection measures as tools for fisheries management | Biodiversité |


The objective of this study is to evaluate the concrete costs and benefits of three types of protected areas within the marine environment: (i) Fish Stock Recovery Areas (FSRAs), (ii) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and (iii) areas designated as Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs).

There is evidence that FSRAs, MPAs and OECMs provide economic benefits to fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Europe.


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via @PolicyPECH

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Trois questions sur le sommet de l'Antarctique organisé par la France - L'Express

Trois questions sur le sommet de l'Antarctique organisé par la France - L'Express | Biodiversité |
Les Etats parties se réuniront pendant dix jours (en virtuel), pour parler gestion de la faune, de la flore et des 52 bases scientifiques du continent le plus austral de la planète.
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Antarctique : l’épineuse question des aires marines protégées Natura-Sciences le 15/06/2021

« L’Antarctique le symbole de notre engagement commun dans la lutte contre la crise environnementale » par Isabelle Autissier, WWF-France et Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassadeur pour les Pôles et les Enjeux maritimes et président du Musée national de la Marine

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Unmanaged = Unprotected: Europe’s marine paper parks

Unmanaged = Unprotected: Europe’s marine paper parks | Biodiversité |

In the face of intense human pressure on European seas, a network of well-managed marine protected areas (MPAs) is critical for marine biodiversity protection. In 2018, the EU (including, at the time, the United Kingdom) declared having met international targets for marine conservation, by designating more than 10% of its waters as MPAs. However, this declaration of success ignored the fact that designation is just one step towards achieving real protection. Without effective management, designated MPAs remain mere ‘paper parks’ that provide little to no actual protection.

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Allemagne, Pays-Bas, UK, France, le rapport l'ONG Oceana affirme : Soixante-dix pour cent des 3449 AMP Natura 2000 évaluées sont affectées par au moins une menace majeure

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What are Marine Protected Areas? - Marine developments UK

What are Marine Protected Areas? - Marine developments UK | Biodiversité |

The management of our coastal waters plays an important role in protecting and conserving our marine ecosystems. The Marine Conservation Team at the MMO are responsible for the implementation of management in certain marine protected areas (MPA) in English waters.

We will be writing a series of blog posts explaining what and how we manage these MPAs, starting at the beginning, with what is an MPA?

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Comme cela se passe-t-il ailleurs ? focus sur la Grande-Bretagne et explications par Rachel-Louisa Joyce, MMO Marine Conservation Manager, Eleanor Johnston, MMO Marine Conservation Manager and Dr Jessica Duffill Telsnig, MMO Marine Conservation Manager, le 20 November 2020

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Expanding marine protected areas by 5% could boost fish yields by 20% – but there's a catch

Expanding marine protected areas by 5% could boost fish yields by 20% – but there's a catch | Biodiversité |

Marine protected areas, or MPAs as they’re more commonly called, are very simple. Areas of the sea are set aside where certain activities – usually fishing – are banned or restricted. Ideally, these MPAs might be placed around particularly vibrant habitats that support lots of different species, like seagrass beds or coral reefs. By preventing fishing gear such as towed seabed trawls from sweeping through these environments, the hope is that marine life will be allowed to recover.

When used well, they can be very effective.

DocBiodiv's insight:

via @PJSJones "Expanding MPAs by 5% could boost fish yields by 20%, but there’s a catch@ConversationUKwith@rick7575on excellent @PNASNews paper - A global network of MPAs for food @renielcabral @Enric_Sala @brenucsb @seadarcy  @NG_PristineSeas "

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Independent review backs introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas

Independent review backs introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas | Biodiversité |
Review recommends introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas as essential for marine protection and recovery.

An independent review led by former Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon, and published today on World Ocean Day, is calling for the introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas in English waters. The review was commissioned on last year’s world ocean day by then Environment Secretary Michael Gove as part of the Government’s drive to protect our waters.

These highly protected marine areas would enable a greater recovery of the marine ecosystem and enhance the Government’s commitment to a national ‘Blue Belt’, which has already seen an area of 92,000 square km protected - 40% of English seas.

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La politique de protection des océans, les stratégies aires marines et leur gestion en Angleterre.

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Scientists call for a more ambitious approach to management of Marine Protected Areas

Scientists call for a more ambitious approach to management of Marine Protected Areas | Biodiversité |
Researchers from the University of Plymouth have contributed to a new book addressing some of the most pressing challenges in marine conservation.
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Toutes les infos sur le site des chercheurs de l'Université de Plymouth

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Evaluation de la stratégie nationale pour la création et la gestion des Aires Marines Protégées

Evaluation de la stratégie nationale pour la création et la gestion des Aires Marines Protégées | Biodiversité |

Avant d’initier la révision de la stratégie de création et de gestion des AMP pour 2020-2030 que La France présentera lors du congrès mondial de la nature organisé par l’UICN en 2020 à Marseille, le Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire a demandé un bilan évaluatif des résultats obtenus de la stratégie nationale AMP.
Cette évaluation a été coordonnée par l’AFB et réalisée par le groupement de bureaux d’étude ACTeon/MC2/Creocéan/Mickaël Dupré, avec l’appui du comité français de l’UICN. Elle comprend :

-Un état des lieux du réseau d’AMP françaises en 2019 au regard de la SCGAMP de 2012 ;

-L’analyse comparée d’autres stratégies nationales en matière d’AMP ;

-Un travail de consultation des parties prenantes.

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Les documents sont en ligne sur le site du bureau d'études.

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4ème colloque national des aires marines protégées - Derniers jours de l’appel à contribution !

4ème colloque national des aires marines protégées - Derniers jours de l’appel à contribution ! | Biodiversité |

Les attendus du Colloque

Un ensemble de propositions co-construites par les participants qui alimenteront les volets stratégiques et opérationnels de la nouvelle stratégie.

Forum des solutions

En vue de nourrir les ateliers de production sur le futur cadre opérationnel, ce Forum a pour but d’informer et de partager avec l’ensemble des participants des retours d’expérience mises en oeuvre concrètement dans les AMP analysant les succès et les échecs autours des 5 enjeux de la future stratégie.


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L’appel à contribution est ciblé sur la préparation du Forum des solutions.

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Opinion - Selling the Protected Area Myth - The New York Times

Opinion - Selling the Protected Area Myth - The New York Times | Biodiversité |
Designating protected areas is relatively easy, but hardly anyone seems to be bothering with the hard work of actually protecting them.
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Biodiversité: les aires protégées pourraient mieux faire  

Les aires terrestres protégées font-elles assez pour la biodiversité? Probablement pas, estiment des chercheurs dans la revue Nature. Selon leur étude, elles pourraient grandement gagner en efficacité, en allant au-delà du seul critère de la diversité en espèces.

Via Pescalune
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Retrouvez l'étude parue dans Naure  - 546 "Large conservation gains possible for global biodiversity facets "par Laura J. Pollock, Wilfried Thuiller & Walter Jetz :
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Lessons from Lyme Bay (UK) to inform policy, management, and monitoring of Marine Protected Areas

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) demonstrate promise for increasing ecosystem resilience and reversing habitat and population declines, but outcomes vary considerably from context to context. Partially protected areas offer a compromise between ecological recovery and the social needs of local communities, but their success is contingent on an array of factors.

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Chloe Renn, Sian Rees, Adam Rees, Bede F R Davies, Amy Y Cartwright, Sam Fanshawe, Martin J Attrill, Luke A Holmes, Emma V Sheehan, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 81, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 276–292,

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Cinquième Congrès international sur les aires marines protégées - Impac5

Cinquième Congrès international sur les aires marines protégées - Impac5 | Biodiversité |

Il s’agit d’un forum mondial qui réunit des professionnels de la conservation des océans et des fonctionnaires de haut niveau pour enrichir les connaissances concernant les aires marines protégées, ainsi que donner des idées et prendre des mesures en ce sens.

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Du 3 au 9 février 2023 à Vancouver, suivre @IMPAC5Canada

Le site web

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The Marine Mammal Management Toolkit : a tool for managers and policy makers

The Marine Mammal Management Toolkit : a tool for managers and policy makers | Biodiversité |

Marine mammals play a crucial role in marine ecosystem function and climate change resilience by sequestering carbon through the consumption of energy rich plankton and fish. They provide valuable ecosystem services such as ecotourism. Conserving marine mammals provides significant economic, social and cultural benefits to coastal communities.

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via @wiompan

"23 available factsheets within the toolkit that span five critical themes that are often experienced by MPA managers, policy makers and practitioners"

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Critical gaps in the protection of the second largest exclusive economic zone in the world - ScienceDirect

A healthy Ocean is critical for achieving sustainable development goals but the Ocean is threatened by multiple stressors. There is a global call to increase the coverage of marine protected areas (MPAs) from 10% to at least 30% by 2030. France, a major actor for marine conservation with the second largest exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the world, with territories in all Ocean basins but the Arctic, aims at reaching the 30% by 2022, for which one third shall include a strong protection status. However, the strategy to reach this twofold target faces two challenges. First, while some standards exist to classify the levels of protection, France is currently using a case specific, loose approach to define strong protection. Second, there is no criteria that addresses the representativeness of the protection across French Ocean basins. Here, we assess the protection levels of the 524 French MPAs and their distribution across territories and habitats. While 33.7% of France’s waters are covered by an MPA, 12.5% of these areas do not impose regulations stronger inside than outside. Full and high levels of protection, the most effective for biodiversity conservation, represent only 1.6% of French waters and are unevenly distributed across Ocean basins and habitats, with 80.5% concentrated in a single territory.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Joachim Claudet, Charles Loiseau, Antoine Pebayle,Critical gaps in the protection of the second largest exclusive economic zone in the world,Marine Policy,Volume 124,2021,104379,

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Milieu marin: l'UE offre une protection étendue, mais superficielle - Special Report 26/2020 

Milieu marin: l'UE offre une protection étendue, mais superficielle - Special Report 26/2020  | Biodiversité |

Nous avons constaté qu'en dépit du cadre mis en place pour protéger le milieu marin, les actions de l'UE n'avaient pas permis de rétablir le bon état écologique des mers, ni d'y ramener partout la pêche à des niveaux durables: ce constat recoupe celui dressé par l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement dans un rapport publié alors que nous achevions nos travaux d'audit, selon lequel la biodiversité marine reste menacée dans les mers européennes. De nombreuses évaluations des espèces et des habitats marins continuent de révéler un état de conservation «défavorable», voire «inconnu». Si nous avons pu établir que l'action de l'UE avait abouti à des progrès sensibles dans l'Atlantique, la Méditerranée est quant à elle restée largement surexploitée; par ailleurs, seule une petite partie du Fonds européen pour les affaires maritimes et la pêche a été utilisée pour financer la conservation du milieu marin.

DocBiodiv's insight:

"Les règles de l'UE en matière de protection des écosystèmes et des habitats essentiels ne leur ont pas permis de se régénérer. Le réseau de zones marines protégées n'est pas représentatif de la diversité des mers de l'UE et n'offre parfois qu'une maigre protection. Dans la pratique, les dispositions visant à coordonner la politique de la pêche avec la politique environnementale n'ont pas fonctionné comme prévu, et les espèces et habitats protégés par les directives «Oiseaux» et«Habitats» l'ont été sur la base d'évaluations obsolètes des menaces..."

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EUROPARC Webinar-Towards a NO-Plastic Sea: EU policies and Marine Protected Areas actions.

EUROPARC Webinar-Towards a NO-Plastic Sea: EU policies and Marine Protected Areas actions. | Biodiversité |

 We will take a closer look at some of the issues of addressing plastic pollution in Marine Protected Areas, through a number of case studies across Europe. The session will bring together EU policy makers, European MPA managers, representatives from the private sector, and other stakeholders, to discuss the challenges and potential ways forward.

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Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery

Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery | Biodiversité |

Tropical coral reefs are subject to multiple pressures from both natural and anthropogenic sources. These pressures have caused widespread declines in reef health, resulting in the increased use of spatial management tools such as marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs have proven generally effective if well designed and enforced, but there are limited long-term studies investigating how the presence of small-scale MPAs affects fish populations and reef communities. Using a 12-year time series, we found that small-scale (10–50 ha) community-managed MPAs along the Danajon Bank of the Philippines preserved average fish biomass within their boundaries over time relative to surrounding fished reefs. Unprotected areas are, however, showing significant long-term biomass decline. MPAs were also found to preserve more key trophic groups and larger-bodied commercially targeted reef fish families.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Bayley, D.T.I., Purvis, A., Nellas, A.C. et al. Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery. Coral Reefs (2020).

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Mobile protected areas for biodiversity on the high seas - Science

Mobile protected areas for biodiversity on the high seas - Science | Biodiversité |

new agreement is being negotiated under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to provide legally binding mechanisms to protect the marine environment and to conserve and ensure the sustainable use of marine biodiversity on the high seas (international waters in areas beyond national jurisdiction) (1). One of the suggested objectives in the current draft text is to “apply an approach that builds ecosystem resilience to the adverse effects of climate change” when applying area-based management tools (ABMTs), including marine protected areas (MPAs).

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By Sara M. Maxwell, Kristina M. Gjerde, Melinda G. Conners, Larry B. Crowder Science17 Jan 2020 : 252-254

Protecting mobile marine species and habitats under climate change will require innovative and dynamic tools.

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A global-level assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas at resisting anthropogenic pressures - PNAS

A global-level assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas at resisting anthropogenic pressures - PNAS | Biodiversité |

One-sixth of the global terrestrial surface now falls within protected areas (PAs), making it essential to understand how far they mitigate the increasing pressures on nature which characterize the Anthropocene. In by far the largest analysis of this question to date and not restricted to forested PAs, we compiled data from 12,315 PAs across 152 countries to investigate their ability to reduce human pressure and how this varies with socioeconomic and management circumstances. While many PAs show positive outcomes, strikingly we find that compared with matched unprotected areas, PAs have on average not reduced a compound index of pressure change over the past 15 y.

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A global-level assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas at resisting anthropogenic pressures
Jonas Geldmann, Andrea Manica, Neil D. Burgess, Lauren Coad, Andrew Balmford
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Oct 2019, 201908221; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.190822111
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Protected Planet - Aichi Target 11 Dashboard

Protected Planet - Aichi Target 11 Dashboard | Biodiversité |

Discover the world's protected areas using the World Database on Protected Areas.

Graphiques montant l'atteinte de l'objectif 11 global puis choix par pays.

DocBiodiv's insight:
via @unepwcmc "Amazing new tool from the @protectedplanet
team! Protected Areas Explore aspects of Aichi Target11 around the world: - coverage - effectively managed - areas of importance for biodiversity" - Centre de surveillance de la conservation de la nature du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
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Poor ecological representation by an expensive reserve system: Evaluating 35 years of marine protected area expansion - Jantke - Conservation Letters

Global areal protection targets have driven a dramatic expansion of the marine protected area (MPA) estate. We analyzed how cost‐effective global MPA expansion has been since the inception of the first global target (set in 1982) in achieving ecoregional representation. By comparing spatial patterns of MPA expansion against optimal MPA estates using the same expansion rates, we show the current MPA estate is both expensive and ineffective. Although the number of ecoregions represented tripled and 12.7% of national waters was protected, 61% of ecoregions and 81% of countries are not 10% protected. Only 10.3% of the national waters of the world would be sufficient to protect 10% of each ecoregion if MPA growth since 1982 strategically targeted underrepresented ecoregions.

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A mettre en relation avec l'article  : The Location and Protection Status of Earth’s Diminishing Marine Wilderness

  • Kendall R. Jones  Carissa J. Klein, Benjamin S. Halpern , Oscar Venter, Hedley Grantham, Alan M. Friedlander, Hugh P. Possingham, James E.M. Watson
Published:July 26, 2018

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Large marine protected areas represent biodiversity now and under climate change

Large marine protected areas represent biodiversity now and under climate change | Biodiversité |

Large marine protected areas (>30,000 km2) have a high profile in marine conservation, yet their contribution to conservation is contested. Assessing the overlap of large marine protected areas with 14,172 species, we found large marine protected areas cover 4.4% of the ocean and at least some portion of the range of 83.3% of the species assessed. Of all species within large marine protected areas, 26.9% had at least 10% of their range represented, and this was projected to increase to 40.1% in 2100.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Alors que s'achève au Chili le Congrès international des aires marines protégées #IMPAC4, lisez également : Why people matter in ocean governance: Incorporating human dimensions into large-scale marine protected areas  - Marine Policy Volume 84, October 2017, Pages 273-284
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