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La cartographie nationale des habitats naturels ou comment identifier et localiser vos zones à enjeux de biodiversité ?

La cartographie nationale des habitats naturels ou comment identifier et localiser vos zones à enjeux de biodiversité ? | Biodiversité |

Développement économique des territoires, Le Mag de l'aménagement, du logement et de la nature

via @CelineSacca Une présentation @CBN_Bailleul @Ecologie_Gouv du programme #CarHab en avant-première de la diffusion des données le 20 avril !

DocBiodiv's insight:

Animé par Bérénice DEVILLE @RadioTerritoria , avec Hélène PARMENTIER, Claire DE KERMADEC, Emmanuel CATTEAU

via @CelineSacca sur CarHab est un programme national de modélisation cartographique des habitats naturels et semi-naturels de France.

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La biologie de la conservation doit-elle prendre en compte les paysages odorants ? Sciences Eaux & Territoires, la revue d'INRAE

La biologie de la conservation doit-elle prendre en compte les paysages odorants ? Sciences Eaux & Territoires, la revue d'INRAE | Biodiversité |

Les organismes vivants et la matière organique en décomposition libèrent dans l’atmosphère une grande diversité de composés organiques créant ainsi des paysages olfactifs servant de repères aux espèces au sein de leur milieu. Mais de nos jours, les activités humaines produisent elles-aussi d’innombrables composés odorants sans que nous n’y prenions nécessairement garde du fait de notre faible utilisation de l’odorat. Ces modifications anthropiques des paysages odorants affectent-elles le fonctionnement des écosystèmes ? Le cas échéant, comment est-il possible d’y remédier ?

DocBiodiv's insight:

Référence électronique :
RENOU, Michel ; SORDELLO, Romain ; REYJOL, Yorick, La biologie de la conservation doit-elle prendre en compte les paysages odorants ?, Revue Science Eaux & Territoires, article hors-série, 7 p., 03/02/2021, disponible en ligne sur <URL :> (consulté le 08/02/2021).

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Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment

Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment | Biodiversité |

Fragmentation of ecosystems leads to loss of biodiversity in the remaining habitat patches, but retaining connecting corridors can reduce these losses. Using long-term data from a large, replicated experiment, Damschen et al. show quantitatively how these losses are reduced. In their pine savanna system, corridors reduced the likelihood of plant extinction in patches by about 2% per year and increased the likelihood of patch colonization by about 5% per year. These benefits continued to accrue over the course of the 18-year experiment.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Ellen I. Damschen Lars A. Brudvig Melissa A. Burt Robert J. Fletcher Jr. Nick M. Haddad Douglas J. Levey John L. Orrock Julian Resasco Joshua J. Tewksbury

Science  27 Sep 2019: Vol. 365, Issue 6460, pp. 1478-1480
Article du JDLE réservé aux abonnés "Corridors écologiques: des bénéfices solides et durables",99726
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A pan-European model of landscape potential to support natural pest control services - ScienceDirect

Pest control by natural enemies (natural pest control) is an important regulating ecosystem service with significant implications for the sustainability of agro-ecosystems. The presence of semi-natural habitats and landscape heterogeneity are key determinants of the delivery of this service. However, to date, synthetic and consistent indicators at large scales are lacking. We developed a pan-European, spatially-explicit model to map and assess the landscape potential to sustain natural pest control. The model considers landscape composition in terms of semi-natural habitats types, abundance, spatial configuration and distance from the focal field.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Ecological Indicators Volume 90, July 2018, Pages 653–664
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XTU - Biodiversité, métabolisme et humanité de la ville - P.Clergeau, S.Barles & P.Picq

Dans le cadre du cycle de conférences "Fleurs du futur. Demain, le vivant fera-t-il la ville?", à la Plateforme de la création architecturale de la Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, l'agence XTU architects invite des chercheurs, des acteurs de l’innovation, un philosophe professeur de cinéma à explorer ensemble les voies par lesquelles le vivant pourrait demain changer nos vies...  

Avec  Philippe Clergeau, professeur au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, un des pionniers de l'écologie urbaine et de l'installation d'une biodiversité dans la ville. Sabine Barles, professeur à l'UMR Géographie-Cités, ses travaux de recherche portent sur l’histoire des techniques et de l’environnement urbains (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), le métabolisme urbain, l’écologie territoriale et les trajectoires socio-écologiques. Pascal Picq, paléoanthropologue au Collège de France, ses recherches s’intéressent à l’évolution morphologique et sociale de la lignée humaine dans le cadre des théories modernes de l’évolution.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Pourquoi prendre en compte la nature ? C'est avec cette question que Philippe Clergeau débute son intervention ? 
Merci  @onorvez  qui a tweeté ce lien en écrivant  "Biodiversité, métabolisme et humanité de la ville" par Sabine Barles (@SorbonneParis1), Philippe Clergeau (@mnhn) & @pascalpicq (@cdf1530 ) #biodiversité #urbain #paysage #ville #architecture #continuité " c'est passionnant et ça rend intelligent !
Video Ajoutée le 24 mars 2016
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Multispecies coexistence in fragmented landscapes

The maintenance of biodiversity is a central theme in ecology and conservation biology. Although spatial dynamics have long been documented to influence biodiversity, coexistence theory has so far mainly focused on local communities. This not only limits the understanding of species coexistence to a single-site perspective but also largely restricts our ability to predict the impacts of habitat destruction.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Mingyu Luo, Florian Altermatt & al. September 6, 2022 119 (37) e2201503119

via @altermatt_lab
Our new paper @PNASNews is addressing a long-standing question in #ecology, #biodiversity sciences and #conservation biology: How do multiple #species #coexist in fragmented landscapes?
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Global Safety Net

Global Safety Net | Biodiversité |
A ‘Blueprint’ to save critical ecosystems and stabilize the Earth’s climate.

More than two years in development, the Global Safety Net is the first comprehensive global-scale analysis of terrestrial areas essential for biodiversity and climate resilience, totaling 50.4% of the Earth's land. The report was published in Science Advances and highlights the importance of protecting and restoring the natural world to address three converging crises -- climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the emergence of novel viruses such as COVID-19.

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Global synthesis of conservation studies reveals the importance of small habitat patches for biodiversity

Global synthesis of conservation studies reveals the importance of small habitat patches for biodiversity | Biodiversité |

Expansive development for urbanization, agriculture, and resource extraction has resulted in much of the Earth’s vegetation existing as fragmented, isolated patches. Conservation planning typically deprioritizes small, isolated patches, as they are assumed to be of relatively little ecological value, instead focusing attention on conserving large, highly connected areas. Yet, our global analysis shows that, if we gave up on small patches of vegetation, we would stand to lose many species that are confined to those environments, and biodiversity would decline as a result. We should rethink the way we prioritize conservation to recognize the critical role that small, isolated patches play in conserving the world’s biodiversity. Restoring and reconnecting small isolated vegetation patches should be an immediate conservation priority.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Auteurs : Brendan A. Wintle, Heini Kujala, Amy Whitehead, Alison Cameron, Sam Veloz, Aija Kukkala, Atte Moilanen, Ascelin Gordon, Pia E. Lentini, Natasha C. R. Cadenhead, and Sarah A. Bekessy
PNAS published ahead of print December 10, 2018
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Water - CEEweb for Biodiversity

Water - CEEweb for Biodiversity | Biodiversité |

The concept of Green Infrastructure incorporates social, economic, and environmental benefits: water clearly provides us with all three of these, and is essential to protect. From providing a habitat in its own right to supporting other habitats, from enabling human life to making industry possible, water is crucial for humans and our surrounding ecosystems. The EU’s Water Framework Directive aims to enable sustainable water policy, and Green Infrastructure can play an important role in that by creating structures that support a healthy water cycle so vitally needed water is available to ecosystems and humans alike.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Nombreux documents en ligne, quelques exemples : Report on Socio-Economic Benefits of Wetland Restoration in Central and Eastern Europe
Natural Water Retention Measures Policy
Links between WFD and Nature Directives
Green Infrastructure guide fo water management 
Green Infrastructure and Flood Management
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