EU sets new tariff quotas, raising limits for Alaska pollock, Atlantic cod | HALIEUTIQUE MER ET LITTORAL |

"The European Union on Tuesday approved the latest round of autonomous tariff quotas (ATQs) for 2019 and 2020, increasing allowable quotas for important import species and adding some species on the list for the first time.

The decision means the EU fish processing industry will continue to import raw material for further processing from non-EU countries at reduced rates or duty free over the next two years.

(Click here for a full list of the 2019 and 2020 ATQs)

Over the past two decades, the EU has become more dependent on imports to meet its demand for fishery and aquaculture products, lawmakers said in their decision, putting more importance on limiting trade barriers to lift the burden on EU producers. This reliance on imports was documented by the umbrella association of EU processors, AIPCE-CEP, in its latest finfish study, released last week."

 Source :  Dominic Welling ;

December 14th, 2018 12:12 GMT