Marine ecosystem models may greatly underestimate future climate change impacts | HALIEUTIQUE MER ET LITTORAL |

Protecting marine ecosystems and fisheries from climate change is a global priority but a new QUT-led, international study finds that our lack of understanding for how marine systems function is muddying the waters.

Researchers from Australia, the United States, Europe, and Canada suggest while marine ecosystem models are the key tool used to understand how climate change could impact the world’s food web and fisheries in the future, representation of key processes that drive the marine ecosystem’s response to climate change differ widely among them. They believe this uncertainty could be causing models to underestimate future climate change impacts on the world´s marine ecosystems.

Dr Ryan Heneghan from QUT’s School of Mathematical Sciences joined forces with 23 other researchers representing the international marine ecosystem modelling community to produce a milestone paper for marine climate change impact projections.