Comportement animal : Programme du Symposium IEC 2013 [en anglais] | Insect Archive |

4 – 8 AUGUST 2013
International Ethological Conference
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour


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Plenary talks:

Iain Couzin, Princeton University, USA
Iain’s work addresses adaptive collective phenomena in animal groups such as bird flocks, fish schools and insect swarms. He uses a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches. His talk will explore the principles of collective intelligence, and by explicitly reconstructing sensory networks in mobile animal groups, how distributed sensing and decision-making emerge from the dynamics of social interactions.


Sharoni Shafir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Sharoni's interests are in cognition and behavioural ecology of honeybees. He has extended the study of risk-sensitivity and context-dependent evaluations in decision making from the vertebrate systems where they are usually studied to the bee, producing a series of remarkable experimental studies.
