[Article]Biocontrol by induced systemic resistance using plant growth promoting rhizobacteria - ScienceDirect | SCIENCES DU VEGETAL | Scoop.it

Resistance induction involves the activation of latent defense mechanisms existing in plants in response to treatment with biotic or abiotic agents. The plants have an inducible defense system, in order to save energy. Resistance induced in natural conditions will only cost in the presence of the pathogen. During the evolutionary process, plants acquired a sophisticated defensive strategy to “perceive” the attacks of pathogens and insects, translating this perception into an appropriate and adaptive response. The plant's innate immunity is surprisingly based on the complex response that is highly flexible in its ability to recognize and respond to the most diverse invaders. Thus, detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of induced resistance will be important in the development of biological, durable and environmentally friendly actions for crop protection.